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Core Values

Our Core Values 



We believe worship is to give God the glory honor and praise, through raising our voices in song, lifting our hands in praise, servanthood, and music. Worship is to exalt God and bring the person into His divine presence. As a church we are committed to using corporate worship to help usher the believer into His Presence.



We believe that ministry should be done with excellence: excellence in our services, in our worship, in our outreach, in our personal servanthood. Excellence means bringing our best to God.



We believe that compassion compels  us to serve others with empathy, respect, and dignity. Compassion leads us to go where they are, to share with them in their hurt, to mourn, and to rejoice with them. It drives us to go out and be the love of Christ to others. We strive to model our lives after Christ and go to the hurting, weak and lost.



We believe  that discipleship is centered on love for Jesus and having a life long personal relationship with Him. Discipleship is nurtured through teaching of scripture, a personal prayer life, and the fellowship of other believers.



We believe prayer is the key essential for a healthy relationship with God. It awakens our soul to the workings of God. We believe prayer is personal and communal; it heals, unites, and breaks down strongholds.



We believe God has commanded us to evangelize the world. We believe it’s the heartbeat of Christ. Every believer should give, pray, and participate in missions locally and across the world.



Dedication/Committed :

We believe that our relationship with Christ is a lifelong journey. We must grow in our relationship  daily by praying, confessing, reading, and applying scripture to our lives and fellowship with other believers. We are committed to a life of integrity and passionately pursuing Christ.